Aviation Maintenance Technology


This program is designed to prepare students for a career as an Airframe and/or Powerplant Mechanic. Graduates must pass the certification knowledge and practical tests through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Exams are taken after completion of the program.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 18 Months
Clock Hours 1,944
Class Type Day
Credentials Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $7,200.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $409.00

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Airframe 1296Diploma
Power Plant1944Diploma

All new students must pass the Pre-Assessment Exam in the WIN Career Readiness System before being put on the waiting list for Aviation.

Campus Locations

Cockrill Bend
7204 Cockrill Bend Road
Nashville, TN 37209


Rob Finch
Michael Olson
Jesse Pheil

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