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Apply for the James B. Brown Memorial Scholarship
The James Berdet Brown Memorial Scholarship is available each trimester to adult students enrolled in a TCAT certificate or diploma programs. The award is up to $1,000 for the program in which the student is enrolled at the time of application submission, recipient selection, and assignment of scholarship funds. The scholarship is intended to aid in the purchasing of required program learning materials and equipment, paying for national/state certification exams, and/or extreme hardship living expenses.
Eligible Participants
Applicants must be enrolled in a TCAT credential program, or they must have completed admissions requirements and have a confirmed start date that is prior to the next scholarship application deadline.
Recipients will be selected based on both merit and need, with preference given to displaced workers.
Recipients must maintain a minimum enrollment of 30 hours per week.
Applicants must be able to verify lawful presence in the United States (U.S. citizen or a qualified alien and lawfully present in U.S.).
Please download and complete the James B. Brown Scholarship application below.
Students may write (clearly, please) or type on the forms and/or attach additional typed or handwritten sheets. Upon completion of the student information section give the completed application to Carol Wright reception at the Nashville campus or Melinda Doss at the Portland campus.
The application deadline for this trimester is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 15th.
If you need assistance or have questions about the application, don't hesitate to reach-out the reception's for help.
About Mr. James Brown
James Berdet Brown passed away unexpectedly in January 2015, at age 47, following a brief illness. A kind, generous, and fun-loving person, James enjoyed living in Nashville for the last 15 years of his life. For ten of those years, James worked as an unemployment claims agent with the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development. He was beloved by his co-workers and known for his sense of humor and the way he cared about those filing for unemployment. He also enjoyed working part-time for Contemporary Services Corporation, providing event security for many entertainment and sporting events in Nashville. The James Berdet Brown Memorial Scholarship was founded by James’ sister Kathy-Jo Brown Hayden and her husband Lee Hayden to carry on Mr. Brown’s legacy of encouraging others and helping those in need who work to improve their circumstances.